No, this is not about sports racing. It is about the races that make up the population of Crandox (CRAHN-dosh). There are five races, and only three of those are prominent--meaning they are the most seen.
The first are, of course, the humans. Native to the Northern hemisphere of Crandox, they used up most of the resources available to them. Infighting and thousands of wars have forced them to split into the Northern and Southern hemispheres. The two major countries/territories are Rulnudor (ROOL-new-DOOR) and Libertia (LIE-ber-SCHA). Libertia is in the North and Rulnudor is in the South.
The second are/were the Mar'ahli (Mahr-AHlee). Humanoids with chitinous skin, they are warriors as well as builders, artists, farmers. They have one leader and rarely an historian. They used to belong in the Southern hemispheres, but the humans drove them out, butchering their peoples. They drove the warriors into extinction, killed their leader and historian, and left the race in ruin. They disappeared overnight, but make no mistake. They are still out there, waiting for the next leader to return to them.
The third are the Ji-Jorhans (Szchee-Szchor-hahnz). The Ji-Jorhans have lived their lives in peace. They have martial experience in defense. They never attack their "opponents" unless there is no other option available to them (for example, the Ji-Jorhans would rather disarm an opponent, sometimes this means breaking an arm or knocking a weapon away). They are pacifists and are skilled in diplomacy. They are often used to negotiate between people, organizations, territories. They live on the equator, in between Libertia (LIB-uhr-schia) and Rulnudor (RULE-new-dohr) Territories
The fourth are the Azhiiry (Ash-IRE-ee). They are water-based sentients who live entirely under water. They have bases all over the bodily waters of Crandox. Their height ranges from five feet to five inches. If you can picture them like this: teeth of a shark or piranha, human-like exoskeleton, fins on the back of their arms and legs for propulsion.
The fifth are the Hydronkkers (HIGHdrunkKERS). The Hydronkkers are disowned beings from all the races. They take new age technology of Crandox and run it off ancient hydro machines. This powers their ships and machines (and the machines are said to be far better than the human technology). If you want a comparison to real day life, they would most likely be Steam Punk. They live in the South-Eastern hemisphere.
Of those five, only the Mar'ahli and Ji-Jorhans are in the minority. Two thousand years before the humans wiped the Mar'ahli warriors, it used to be the Ji-Jorhans and Hydronkkers in the minority.
Today, humans, Azhiiry, and Ji-Jorhans are the majority forces on the planet. If by some miracle any one of those groups falters, either the Mar'ahli or the Hydronkkers could take their place.
The first are, of course, the humans. Native to the Northern hemisphere of Crandox, they used up most of the resources available to them. Infighting and thousands of wars have forced them to split into the Northern and Southern hemispheres. The two major countries/territories are Rulnudor (ROOL-new-DOOR) and Libertia (LIE-ber-SCHA). Libertia is in the North and Rulnudor is in the South.
The second are/were the Mar'ahli (Mahr-AHlee). Humanoids with chitinous skin, they are warriors as well as builders, artists, farmers. They have one leader and rarely an historian. They used to belong in the Southern hemispheres, but the humans drove them out, butchering their peoples. They drove the warriors into extinction, killed their leader and historian, and left the race in ruin. They disappeared overnight, but make no mistake. They are still out there, waiting for the next leader to return to them.
The third are the Ji-Jorhans (Szchee-Szchor-hahnz). The Ji-Jorhans have lived their lives in peace. They have martial experience in defense. They never attack their "opponents" unless there is no other option available to them (for example, the Ji-Jorhans would rather disarm an opponent, sometimes this means breaking an arm or knocking a weapon away). They are pacifists and are skilled in diplomacy. They are often used to negotiate between people, organizations, territories. They live on the equator, in between Libertia (LIB-uhr-schia) and Rulnudor (RULE-new-dohr) Territories
The fourth are the Azhiiry (Ash-IRE-ee). They are water-based sentients who live entirely under water. They have bases all over the bodily waters of Crandox. Their height ranges from five feet to five inches. If you can picture them like this: teeth of a shark or piranha, human-like exoskeleton, fins on the back of their arms and legs for propulsion.
The fifth are the Hydronkkers (HIGHdrunkKERS). The Hydronkkers are disowned beings from all the races. They take new age technology of Crandox and run it off ancient hydro machines. This powers their ships and machines (and the machines are said to be far better than the human technology). If you want a comparison to real day life, they would most likely be Steam Punk. They live in the South-Eastern hemisphere.
Of those five, only the Mar'ahli and Ji-Jorhans are in the minority. Two thousand years before the humans wiped the Mar'ahli warriors, it used to be the Ji-Jorhans and Hydronkkers in the minority.
Today, humans, Azhiiry, and Ji-Jorhans are the majority forces on the planet. If by some miracle any one of those groups falters, either the Mar'ahli or the Hydronkkers could take their place.