In 2002, David Weber published the tenth novel in the epic Honor Harrington saga. This time, peace is the word, but can it be maintained? Synopsis: No one wanted another war. Thomas Theisman didn't. After risking his life and a fresh
round of civil war to overthrow the Committee of Public Safety's reign
of terror and restore the Republic of Haven's ancient Constitution, an
interstellar war was the last thing he wanted. Baron High Ridge didn't. The Prime Minister of Manticore was
perfectly happy with the war he had. No one was shooting anyone else at
the moment, and as long as he could spin out negotiations on the formal
treaty of peace, his government could continue to milk all those
"hostilities only" tax measures for their own partisan projects. His Imperial Majesty Gustav didn't. Now that the fighting
between the Star Kingdom and the Havenites had ended, the Andermani
Emperor had his own plans for Silesia, and he was confident he could
achieve them without a war of his own. Protector Benjamin didn't. His people had made too deep a
commitment to the Manticoran Alliance, in blood as well as treasure, for
him to want to risk seeing it all thrown away. And Honor Harrington certainly didn't. The "Salamander" had
seen the inside of too many furnaces already, knew too much about how
much war cost. Unfortunately, what they wanted didn't matter....
The novel opens with several people in different places noting certain things (the Andermani note increased pirate activity in the Silesian Confederacy; Admiral Lester Tourville notes unusual merchantmen; the crew of Manticoran Space Station Hephaestus discovers a way to crack the Seventh Terminus). On Grayson, Lady Dame Steadholder Honor Harrington and Captain Michelle "Mike" Henke talk politics. On Nouveau Paris, President Eloise Pritchard complains about Manticore's High Ridge government dragging their feet about the peace terms to Admiral Thomas Theisman. Back at Saganami Island, Honor once again embraces the role of mentor and, during a shooting practice, meets up with Admiral Hamish Alexander (White Haven) and they talk politics over lunch. The Andermani point out the pirate activity in Silesea to the Manticorans. Reginald Houseman and Edward Janacek (the current First Lord of the Admiralty) talk about retiring naval ships; High Ridge continues to drag his feet with the peace talks and furthers his personal campaign to screw over the Star Kingdom of Manticore, the San Martino's, the Graysonites, the Republic of Erewhon and he and his cronies agree to slander both White Haven and Honor, by saying that Hamish is cheating on Lady Emily Alexander (Lady White Haven) with Honor.
Honor meets with Hamish and William "Willie" Alexander and discuss High Ridge's wrecking proposals; Willie tells them both about High Ridge's plan to eliminate them publicly will come from slander-journalist Soloman Hayes and that it will say that Honor and Hamish are having an affair. Despite their outrage, there seems to be nothing for them to do to counter the lies. Everyone in the House of Lords believes it. Janacek learns that the Andermani Empire is moving on Silesea. Admiral Theisman and Vice Admiral Shannon Foraker discuss the stalled peace talks and the possibility of war. Hamish tells Honor that Emily would like to meet her and help both of them through the political shit-storm; the treecat Samantha (Nimitz's wife) adopts Hamish. Upon meeting, Emily tells Honor that she knows how she (Honor) and Hamish feel toward each other; after a few hours, and with patience and planning, Emily helps them to fight back. At a party, Emily verbally kicks the journalists in their collective balls for daring to suggest that her good friend Honor and her (Emily's) husband are sleeping with each other. High Ridge, Countess New Keiv, Elaine Descroix, Earl Stefan Young (12th Earl of North Hollow), and Janacek--along with Lady North Hollow--agree to hot Honor on her emotional side and send her back to the Silesian Confederacy and hope she gets killed.
Honor gets the old team back together and goes to find out what Andermani Emperor Gustav XI wants with the Silesian Confederacy. Honor learns from Protector Benjamin IX that the Peeps have an operation called Bolthole and that the Erewhonese are considering jumping ships and allying with the Peeps. Theisman and Pritchard discuss Jason Giancola screwing her on what's really happening in the Silesian Confederacy. Francis Jurgensen spies on Bolthole and reports this. High Ridge and his cronies debate what to do and settle for calculations of how much money they can slowly siphon back into the military and naval budget. Negotiations continue spiraling to disaster as the High Ridge government refuses to move fast enough. Theisman puts Operation Thunderbolt into action. During a session of the Lords, the majority demand through White Haven to know what Pritchard's peace agreements were about and Countess New Keiv is pissed that she was forced to answer. New Keiv complains to High Ridge and cronies. After one disastrous battle in the Silesian Confederacy, and Andermani Admiral Grafschaft Sternhafen's denial of Honor's report, Admiral Herzogtum Rabenstrange berates Sternhafen for his (Sternhafen's) and Captain Gortz's stupidity. With tensions mounting all around, Giancola continues to sabotage the peace talks. Honor finds evidence of Peep infiltration in Silesea.
High Ridge and his cronies aren't pleased with Honor's report or Pritchard's final demand. White Haven visits Janacek under orders from Queen Elizabeth and demands to find out what the Royal Manticoran Navy plans to do about the Havenite presence in Silesea; Janacek tells him to "fuck off" and "go to Hell!" White Haven threatens to go to the media and Janacek tells him that reinforcements aren't possible; White Haven storms out. Current First Space Lord Admiral Simon Chakrabarti also demands that something happen at Sidemore Station which Janacek dismisses--even going so far as to insult the Grayson Space Navy. Chakrabarti resigns in protest to the refusal to do anything. Once more, High Ridge and company refuse Pritchard's terms rather provocatively. The Graysonites agree with White Haven on the politics as does Elizabeth. Giancola tries to talk Pritchard down from war, but she won't have it; Giancola suddenly realizes that he and Yves Grosclaude have royally fucked up. Anton Zilwicki and his wife Cathy Montaigne confront Lady Earl North Hollow--who is none other that Elaine Komandorski--and force her to flee the Star Kingdom of Manticore and give her a three day head start before they inform the local authorities and the Audubon Ballroom. Doing so requires that she destroy the North Hollow files.
Honor goes to meet Rabenstrange and tells him everything she's gathered. Rabenstrange passes the intelligence data to Emperor Gustav. The Graysonites charge through the Manticore Wormhole Junction to back up Trevor's Star's ships. High Ridge berates Janacek for stupidly rejecting Grayson help and admits that he can't tell how this will play out. War breaks out at Grendelsbane Station and the Second Havenite-Manticoran War starts. High Ridge informs Queen Elizabeth of this and she flatly refuses to back him in combining political forces. Tourville's forces are ambushed trying to destroy Honor's forces at Sidemore Station when the Protecter's Own jumps in and open fire. Tourville, after sustaining heavy losses, flees. After Silesea and Grendelsbane, Elaine Decroix, New Keiv, High Ridge, and North Hollow resign form their posts and from the government--Janacek commits suicide. White Haven's government takes over. In a surprising turn of events, the Erewhonese--thanks to the policies of High Ridge--break from the Star Kingdom of Manticore and join with the People's Republic of Haven and the Andermani Empire joins forces with the Star Kingdom. At the end, Emily--with help from Samantha--encourages Honor and White Haven to love each other and stop beating around the bush.
All in all, a great novel that really captures both sides trying to find peace while being retroactively screwed over by their own people. Wonderful prose, great characterizations, and nice acknowledgement of Crown of Slaves and a subtle nod to The Shadow of Saganami. David Weber continues to bring imagination to the series at large. Bravo.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Book Review: Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy Volume II: Dark Force Rising SPOILERS!
In June 1992, Timothy Zahn published the bestselling sequel to the New York Times Bestselling Star Wars: Heir to the Empire. The novel fully explores the Star Wars galaxy, adding many new species, people, and technology. Synopsis: The number-one New York Times bestselling Heir to the Empire was the publishing event of the year, the first novel to continue the adventures of Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and Han Solo, beyond the events of the most popular trilogy in movie history. Now comes Dark Force Rising, the second volume of a three-book cycle authorized by Lucasfilm Ltd. and written by Hugo Award-winning author Timothy Zahn. Five years after the events of Return of the Jedi, the fragile Republic that was born with the defeat of Darth Vader, the Emperor, and the infamous Death Star stands threatened from within and without. The dying Empire's most cunning and ruthless warlord—Grand Admiral Thrawn—has taken command of the remnants of the Imperial fleet and launched a massive campaign aimed at the Republic's destruction. With the aid of unimaginable weapons long hidden away by the Emperor on a backwater planet, Thrawn plans to turn the tide of the battle, overwhelm the New Republic, and impose his iron rule throughout the galaxy. Meanwhile, dissension and personal ambition threaten to tear the Republic apart. As Princess Leia—pregnant with Jedi twins—risks her life to bring a proud and lethal alien race into alliance with the Republic, Han and Lando Calrissian race against time to find proof of treason inside the highest Republic Council—only to discover instead a ghostly fleet of warships that could bring doom to their friends and victory to their enemies. But most dangerous of all is a new Dark Jedi, risen from the ashes of a shrouded past, consumed by bitterness…and thoroughly, utterly insane. Now he schemes to use his awesome mastery of the Force to summon young Skywalker, allay his misgivings, cunningly enthrall him, and ultimately corrupt him to the Dark Side. A tale of brilliant spectacle, startling revelations, and tumultuous action, Dark Force Rising
moves with the speed of light across a dazzling epic landscape of
galactic proportions, from world to world, from adventure to adventure,
as Good and Evil clash across the vastness of space "a long time ago, in
a galaxy far, far away...."
Because of how the Battle of Sluis Van went, Grand Admiral Thrawn and Captain Gilad Pellaeon search the planet Myrkr for smuggler Talon Karrde. Karrde, at the edge of the system, flees with his crew, including Mara Jade--a former Emperor's Hand. On Sluis Van, Han Solo and Lando Calrissian, and Luke Skywalker try to find evidence of the mysterious Delta Source at the planet New Cov. At New Cov, it is believed that one of Senator Borsk Fey'lya's advisers is a traitor to the New Republic for Thrawn, and is thus a primary suspect for Delta Source. But before Han, Lando and Luke can find any real evidence to whether or not Fey'lya's adviser is a traitor, the three of them soon find out that Thrawn's forces have arrived on the planet. They manage to escape, and Han and Lando are saved by a third party, which takes them to an unknown location where they meet the legendary General Garm bel Iblis, one of the initial members of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Bel Iblis disagrees to help the New Republic defeat Thrawn on account of personal problems with Chief of State Mon Mothma.
Luke heads to Jomark and meets the insane Dark Jedi Joruus C'baoth--a clone of Jedi Master Jorus C'baoth--who beings to complete Luke's training. Luke notices that C'baoth's version of what a Jedi should be--C'baoth believes that all living beings are meant to serve Jedi and that the Jedi can impose their will on the people--differs vastly from what Obi-Wan and Yoda taught him. Meanwhile, Karrde gets captured by Thrawn and Mara, despite her longing to kill Luke, goes to Jomark to get Luke to help her rescue Karrde. C'baoth is furious that Luke is leaving and tries to attack. Thanks to an ysalamiri that she brought with her, Mara and Luke defeat C'baoth and they infiltrate Chimaera to rescue Karrde. Despite encountering armed stormtroopers, they manage to escape. Leia Solo, meanwhile, keeps her promise to Khabarakh and she, Khabarakh, Chewbacca, and C-3PO head to Honoghr. Once there, Leia manages to get the entire Noghri race to side with the New Republic against Thrawn by exposing the fact that it was the Empire that devastated Honoghr, not the Alliance. (In the actual timeline and chronology of events, it was General Grievous who did this atrocity during the Clone Wars.)
After a race against time, the New Republic finds out via Karrde that he exposed the secret of the legendary Katana fleet to Thrawn under torture. This fleet can supposedly grant Thrawn total infallible military power that will ultimately cripple the New Republic. Borsk and Leia take a New Republic task force whose crew members are loyal to Fey'la to the location of the Katana Fleet. Once they get there, they find Luke, Karrde, Lando, and Han trying to stave off Thrwan's forces form taking the last ten ships. Wedge Antilles leads Rogue Squadron to lend them a hand while the heroes secure the rest of the ships. Karrde tricks Fey'lya into admitting that he only agreed to come out here for political reasons and that "honor is outdated." The crew hears this and locks Fey'lya up; Mara brings in Karrde's forces and, after a battle, manage to destroy a couple of the ships Thrawn was taking, but ultimately, Thrawn ends up with the majority of the Katana fleet. Mara is rendered unconscious during the fight and the heroes take her to Coruscant where Karrde leaves her in the care of Leia; his best slicer, Zakarisz Ghent stays behind too.
All in all, a wonderful novel crafted by Timothy Zahn in the glory days of the Bantam Spectra decade. Timothy Zahn brought a sense of wonder and excitement back to Star Wars. Great pacing, wonderful characters, thrilling action scenes, this novel is must read for all fans of Star Wars.
Because of how the Battle of Sluis Van went, Grand Admiral Thrawn and Captain Gilad Pellaeon search the planet Myrkr for smuggler Talon Karrde. Karrde, at the edge of the system, flees with his crew, including Mara Jade--a former Emperor's Hand. On Sluis Van, Han Solo and Lando Calrissian, and Luke Skywalker try to find evidence of the mysterious Delta Source at the planet New Cov. At New Cov, it is believed that one of Senator Borsk Fey'lya's advisers is a traitor to the New Republic for Thrawn, and is thus a primary suspect for Delta Source. But before Han, Lando and Luke can find any real evidence to whether or not Fey'lya's adviser is a traitor, the three of them soon find out that Thrawn's forces have arrived on the planet. They manage to escape, and Han and Lando are saved by a third party, which takes them to an unknown location where they meet the legendary General Garm bel Iblis, one of the initial members of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Bel Iblis disagrees to help the New Republic defeat Thrawn on account of personal problems with Chief of State Mon Mothma.
Luke heads to Jomark and meets the insane Dark Jedi Joruus C'baoth--a clone of Jedi Master Jorus C'baoth--who beings to complete Luke's training. Luke notices that C'baoth's version of what a Jedi should be--C'baoth believes that all living beings are meant to serve Jedi and that the Jedi can impose their will on the people--differs vastly from what Obi-Wan and Yoda taught him. Meanwhile, Karrde gets captured by Thrawn and Mara, despite her longing to kill Luke, goes to Jomark to get Luke to help her rescue Karrde. C'baoth is furious that Luke is leaving and tries to attack. Thanks to an ysalamiri that she brought with her, Mara and Luke defeat C'baoth and they infiltrate Chimaera to rescue Karrde. Despite encountering armed stormtroopers, they manage to escape. Leia Solo, meanwhile, keeps her promise to Khabarakh and she, Khabarakh, Chewbacca, and C-3PO head to Honoghr. Once there, Leia manages to get the entire Noghri race to side with the New Republic against Thrawn by exposing the fact that it was the Empire that devastated Honoghr, not the Alliance. (In the actual timeline and chronology of events, it was General Grievous who did this atrocity during the Clone Wars.)
After a race against time, the New Republic finds out via Karrde that he exposed the secret of the legendary Katana fleet to Thrawn under torture. This fleet can supposedly grant Thrawn total infallible military power that will ultimately cripple the New Republic. Borsk and Leia take a New Republic task force whose crew members are loyal to Fey'la to the location of the Katana Fleet. Once they get there, they find Luke, Karrde, Lando, and Han trying to stave off Thrwan's forces form taking the last ten ships. Wedge Antilles leads Rogue Squadron to lend them a hand while the heroes secure the rest of the ships. Karrde tricks Fey'lya into admitting that he only agreed to come out here for political reasons and that "honor is outdated." The crew hears this and locks Fey'lya up; Mara brings in Karrde's forces and, after a battle, manage to destroy a couple of the ships Thrawn was taking, but ultimately, Thrawn ends up with the majority of the Katana fleet. Mara is rendered unconscious during the fight and the heroes take her to Coruscant where Karrde leaves her in the care of Leia; his best slicer, Zakarisz Ghent stays behind too.
All in all, a wonderful novel crafted by Timothy Zahn in the glory days of the Bantam Spectra decade. Timothy Zahn brought a sense of wonder and excitement back to Star Wars. Great pacing, wonderful characters, thrilling action scenes, this novel is must read for all fans of Star Wars.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Book Review: Castle Roogna: A Xanth Novel SPOILERS!
In July 1979, Piers Anthony published the third installment in the Xanth saga. A young man must find a restorative potion to bring a former ghost's former lover back to life, and that entails going into the past. Synopsis: Once Upon A Past. Millie had been a ghost for 800 years. But now, restored by the magic of Xanth, she was again a maddeningly desirable woman. She could have had any man she wanted . . . except the one she did want, Jonathan the zombie. To grant Millie her desire, and to prove his right to rule Xanth in the future, young Magician Dor embarked on a quest for the elixir which would restore Jonathan to full life. But the potion could be found only in the past . . . so, through a magic tapestry, to the past he went, taking over the body of a barbarian warrior. The first person he encountered there was Jumper, a giant spider--a nightmare monster, but a staunch friend and much-needed ally in peril-haunted, ancient Xanth. Then Dor met Millie--800 years younger, but just as lovely. And he realized that, in his new body, he was no longer twelve years old . . .
The novel opens with Dor, unable to stand lovely Millie and zombie Jonathan, being ridiculed by ordinary citizens for his talent: being able to talk to inanimate objects; he teases Irene, the daughter of King Trent and Queen Iris and not a Magician. Dor helps the vegetarian ogre Crunch find and rescue his son. He goes to talk with Trent, thinking that Irene will tell on him, and Trent decides that since Dor is becoming a young adult, he should be given a mission. Dor and Grundy--through tricking the defenses--visit Good Magician Humphrey who tells him that he needs the Elixir of Restoration from the Zombie Master and requests that Dor records everything he sees in that Wave of Xanth. Dor agrees, and Humphrey has his mind placed in the Brain Corral--the Brain Corral takes over Dor's body in the meantime. Upon entering that time, Dor takes the body of a Mundane barbarian warrior and meets a large spider called Jumper--Jumper is from Dor's own time, but smaller. The two venture on toward Castle Roogna, becoming captured by harpies and goblins.
They learn that the goblins killed the harpy's men and the harpies turned the goblins into ugly creatures. Managing to create a diversion and escape--with the beautiful maiden Millie in tow--they flee to Castle Roogna. The castle is being built by King Roogna and Magician Murphy--whose talent it to work against the other person--continues to prevent Roogna from finishing it; both have different ideas on what the future of Xanth should be. When the two Magicians learn what Dor wants, both point the way to the Zombie Master's castle. Dor, Jumper, and Millie go to get the elixir; during those travels, Millie constantly flirts with Dor and Dor really begins to notice her as a woman, but refuses to have sex with her. Once at the Zombie Master's castle--which is built where Humphrey will have his built--they ask for the elixir. The Zombie Master, at first, refuses, but with the arrival of blood-thirsty goblins and vengeful harpies show up, the Zombie Master begins to make the elixir; the Zombie Master starts falling in love with Millie, and, though she's pretty stupid, Millie asks him for his help in defending Castle Roogna from Murphy's power.
He agrees. The Zombie Master also asks Dor why he wants the elixir and who it's for. Dor tells him it's for a zombie named Jonathan, to which the Zombie Master says he knows Jonathan quite well. With the elixir, the four of them, plus the Zombie Master's army of zombies, goes to Castle Roogna and fights against the goblins and harpies. Dor uses a magic flute to lure many of the enemy forces away from the battle and toward the gap chasm, where he detonates a powerful forget spell. During the battle, Dor visits the Brain Corral and has it release the last male harpy; this causes Murphy's plan to fritz out and Neo-sorceress Vadne, jealous of Millie, turns her into a flesh-book--with the soul shoved out, turning Millie into a ghost. With the horde of goblins and harpies defeated and learning of Millie's tragic fate, Murphy exiles himself, taking Vadne with him. The Zombie Master, in sorrow, turns his power on himself; he becomes a zombie. The flesh-book is placed on a shelf in what will later become the library and King Roogna spells the tapestry to let Dor and Jumper go home.
Back in their own time, Dor learns that his body was kissing Irene; he goes to apologize, but Irene wants him to do that again--just kiss. Dor, with Grundy, tells Trent about his mission; Trent's pleased that Dor could overcome his challenge. Dor and Grundy visit Humphrey. Humphrey is impressed with Dor's success and tells Dor that he (Dor) was more of a man for refusing to have sex with Millie. Using a quick potion to get back to Castle Roogna, Dor and Grundy get the elixir from the magic tapestry, which the Zombie Master and King Roogna spelled in to wait for Dor to get back to his own time. Dor and Grundy encounter Jumper talking to his mate, and they tell her that Jumper helped Dor with his quest. Dor goes back to the ham-and-cheese cottage and gives Millie the restorative elixir. Jonathan drinks it and turns back into a man; the man, as Dor is surprised to see, is none other than the Zombie Master. Jonathan and Millie kiss.
All in all, a great novel with a few noticeably bad puns and wonderful characterization. Despite being 329 pages, it reads awfully quick and has become one of those novels I'd refer to as popcorn novels: novels I can enjoy and read fast. I'd recommend this series to any fan of adventure-fantasy.
The novel opens with Dor, unable to stand lovely Millie and zombie Jonathan, being ridiculed by ordinary citizens for his talent: being able to talk to inanimate objects; he teases Irene, the daughter of King Trent and Queen Iris and not a Magician. Dor helps the vegetarian ogre Crunch find and rescue his son. He goes to talk with Trent, thinking that Irene will tell on him, and Trent decides that since Dor is becoming a young adult, he should be given a mission. Dor and Grundy--through tricking the defenses--visit Good Magician Humphrey who tells him that he needs the Elixir of Restoration from the Zombie Master and requests that Dor records everything he sees in that Wave of Xanth. Dor agrees, and Humphrey has his mind placed in the Brain Corral--the Brain Corral takes over Dor's body in the meantime. Upon entering that time, Dor takes the body of a Mundane barbarian warrior and meets a large spider called Jumper--Jumper is from Dor's own time, but smaller. The two venture on toward Castle Roogna, becoming captured by harpies and goblins.
They learn that the goblins killed the harpy's men and the harpies turned the goblins into ugly creatures. Managing to create a diversion and escape--with the beautiful maiden Millie in tow--they flee to Castle Roogna. The castle is being built by King Roogna and Magician Murphy--whose talent it to work against the other person--continues to prevent Roogna from finishing it; both have different ideas on what the future of Xanth should be. When the two Magicians learn what Dor wants, both point the way to the Zombie Master's castle. Dor, Jumper, and Millie go to get the elixir; during those travels, Millie constantly flirts with Dor and Dor really begins to notice her as a woman, but refuses to have sex with her. Once at the Zombie Master's castle--which is built where Humphrey will have his built--they ask for the elixir. The Zombie Master, at first, refuses, but with the arrival of blood-thirsty goblins and vengeful harpies show up, the Zombie Master begins to make the elixir; the Zombie Master starts falling in love with Millie, and, though she's pretty stupid, Millie asks him for his help in defending Castle Roogna from Murphy's power.
He agrees. The Zombie Master also asks Dor why he wants the elixir and who it's for. Dor tells him it's for a zombie named Jonathan, to which the Zombie Master says he knows Jonathan quite well. With the elixir, the four of them, plus the Zombie Master's army of zombies, goes to Castle Roogna and fights against the goblins and harpies. Dor uses a magic flute to lure many of the enemy forces away from the battle and toward the gap chasm, where he detonates a powerful forget spell. During the battle, Dor visits the Brain Corral and has it release the last male harpy; this causes Murphy's plan to fritz out and Neo-sorceress Vadne, jealous of Millie, turns her into a flesh-book--with the soul shoved out, turning Millie into a ghost. With the horde of goblins and harpies defeated and learning of Millie's tragic fate, Murphy exiles himself, taking Vadne with him. The Zombie Master, in sorrow, turns his power on himself; he becomes a zombie. The flesh-book is placed on a shelf in what will later become the library and King Roogna spells the tapestry to let Dor and Jumper go home.
Back in their own time, Dor learns that his body was kissing Irene; he goes to apologize, but Irene wants him to do that again--just kiss. Dor, with Grundy, tells Trent about his mission; Trent's pleased that Dor could overcome his challenge. Dor and Grundy visit Humphrey. Humphrey is impressed with Dor's success and tells Dor that he (Dor) was more of a man for refusing to have sex with Millie. Using a quick potion to get back to Castle Roogna, Dor and Grundy get the elixir from the magic tapestry, which the Zombie Master and King Roogna spelled in to wait for Dor to get back to his own time. Dor and Grundy encounter Jumper talking to his mate, and they tell her that Jumper helped Dor with his quest. Dor goes back to the ham-and-cheese cottage and gives Millie the restorative elixir. Jonathan drinks it and turns back into a man; the man, as Dor is surprised to see, is none other than the Zombie Master. Jonathan and Millie kiss.
All in all, a great novel with a few noticeably bad puns and wonderful characterization. Despite being 329 pages, it reads awfully quick and has become one of those novels I'd refer to as popcorn novels: novels I can enjoy and read fast. I'd recommend this series to any fan of adventure-fantasy.
800 years,
Castle Roogna,
Good Magician Humphrey,
King Roogna,
King Trent,
Magician Murphy,
Millie the Ghost,
Piers Anthony,
time travel,
Zombie Master
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