Thursday, April 7, 2011

New Prologue

I have written a new Prologue. It is a total of four pages (well, three and a quarter, but who's counting) and features Lieutenant Q in a training exercise with his fellow commandos from Rulnudor (Rool-NEW-door).

I've created a couple of new weapons for the book. One is a Torkil (TOR-kill) Manufactured repeater. The Torkil developed when I was vacuuming (that word never looks like it's spelled right) my stairs and took out the top hose in the accordion stretch tube. It was shaped as below:
___________===== (scope/energy holder)
|       _________=============== (barrel)
|___// (energy housing/grenade housing*/hand grip/trigger)

It looks like this:

Or something like that. I will try an post a picture up by tomorrow soonest. If you flip it upside down (the Torkil, I mean), then it becomes a grenade launcher. The energy power runs from the bottom into the "scope".

*Note: You must empty all grenades before you can have the Torkil resume itself as a laser rifle.

The other weapon created is a ca'barde (Kah-bAIR-D). It is a sword made of bone and metal. It is a weapon of the ancient warrior race, the Mar'ahli (Mar-AHWlee). It is honed to a fine edge and can cut through metal and flesh and circuitry like...well, butter.


Jim Goodwin said...

Nice to see the new post. Eagerly waiting the picture of the Torkil as I can't quite get my head around the trigger and grenade launcher interaction.

Jim Goodwin said...

The pic. is a great help.