Monday, May 23, 2011

Working Titles

When I begin to approach writing a novel, I will come up with a working title--a title that is a place holder for later. The current working title I have on my second book is "The Human Trap." I don't know if it's been used before, but it's a working title.

I find that a working title does wonders for the book. For you, the writer, it establishes a theme that's supposed to be brought forward by the elements of the book. Here are a few tips on how to pick a working title:

  1. Remember the genre you're in. If it's romance, pick something that is romantically corny. If sci-fi/fantasy, pick something sci-fi/fantasy and make it corny. (i.e. Lover's Spring, The World's War to give an idea)
  2. Make it short and easy to remember. This way, when you save your work in progress, it will be easier to find rather than MyBook1,000,000 or version10.14.
  3. It can rhyme. Try rhyming two words that sum up your book, a la Dr. Seuss style.
Remember, these are for your eyes only. No one else (except your critique group if you have one) is to know. The working title is for you, as a reminder to pick a title after the book is finished.

1 comment:

Zadear said...

for a really long time the working title of my novel was "journey" and it seems to meet your requirements of stereotypical and corny, which is why i tend to call it "as of yet untitled" instead. lol.