Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Writing Tip: Keeping Busy

For most beginning writers, the hardest challenge we have to face is making ourselves sit down and write. Life is distracting and we all know it. The trick is to sit at the computer or writing pad and just tell yourself "I'm just gonna write for a few minutes." Then, after you finish writing, hours have passed and you've completed a few scenes in your work in progress.

If not, then try picturing yourself surrounded by your family and friends, each of them telling you that your never going to make it as a writer, to get a real job, and adding all those doubts into your head. Now imagine you have a People Remote. The only button on it is the "mute" function. Simply aim it at each member and "mute" them. Then, put that remote down, and away from them, and keep writing.

The most important thing to remember while your writing is to just let it be junk. This is only a first draft. it doesn't have to be perfect on the first try. Remember back in high school writing essays. It needs to be like that, there needs to be a rough draft, a middle draft (which can take up most of your time) and your end product.

If that doesn't work for you, try plotting out a few scenes. By plotting, I mean an outline of what is to come. If you don't have a specific ending in mind, try outlining the ending. Does your main character win and is happy; win, isn't happy; lose, is happy; lose and isn't happy? Or is it the dreaded ambiguous ending?

Another ting to do is ask your main character(s) what it is he/she/they want. What is it they want most and what are they willing to do to get it? If you have a kid who wants to play the drums in the school band, he can't just do that. There needs to be tension (he gets in, but his parents can't afford to by the practice drums or sticks; the bully breaks the practice drum set or sticks). It needs to be something convincing yet realistic for your character. What obstacles is your character going to overcome? These are the important questions to ask when drafting a novel.

So get off the internet now and get writing!

1 comment:

Jim Goodwin said...

Getting off the internet is difficult though, especially if you've just had to look something up for your story – it's so easy and seductive to just keep surfing. But I've got to stop now and get back to writing.