Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Book Review: Star Wars: X-Wing: Iron Fist SPOILERS!

In July 1998, Aaron Allston published his second X-Wing novel (X-Wing 6). It promised to be great, and yet fell into his stereo-typical writing of juvenile kids acting as adults. SynopsisAgainst all odds, the controversial Wraith Squadron has survived its first covert mission. But now they are called upon to cheat death twice. This time Wedge Antilles sends them in to stop the warlord Zsinj and his Super Star Destroyer, Iron Fist. If Zsinj joins the Empire, it could turn the tide of war against the Rebels. The Wraith Squadron's mission: infiltrate the warlord's fleet and uncover his carefully guarded plans. To do so, they must pose as ruthless pirates seeking to join Zsinj's forces. And that means first becoming pirates in space lanes teeming with Imperial Navy patrols. If that isn't enough to get them killed, they'll have to pass one last test—a suicide mission for Zsinj. Can they survive the test and turn the tables on Zsinj? Or is this the end for Wraith Squadron?

The novel opens with the Wraiths in a bar fight on Coruscant, but the New Republic Military Police arrive, and arrest them. Garik "Face" Loran takes them down when he notices their so-called Corellian walks aren't genuine. Colonel Atton Repness and Admiral Ackbar debrief them, then Ackbar give the Wraiths new orders. Ton Phanan and Kell Tainer recall that Repness was the one who wrecked Tyria Sarkin's career because she wouldn't steal a ship for him. Ton decides to bring Face in and then use Implacable survivor Lara Nostil against Repness and flush his illegal thefts out into the open. They convince Wedge to go along with it and then they get Lara to agree. Meanwhile, Piggy and Runt note that Zsinj is conversing with pirates, either to enlist them or get intel from them. Three new crew members join: Dia Passik, a Twi'lek ex-slave; Castin Donn, hacker; and Shalla Nelprin, whose sister is in the Katarn Commandos. Zsinj gets a communique from Gara--now Lara--and she offers to help bring Wraith Squadron down. Lara goes to expose Repness, but he subdues her. However, General Airen Cracken shows up and arrests Repness. Lara breezes through the remedial training and joins up with Wraith Squadron. Meanwhile, the Wraiths meet up with General Han Solo on Mon Remonda along with Rogue Squadron. Zsinj finds out where Lara is and is pleased that he can use her to end Solo's hunt for him. It's on Mon Remonda that Face suggests Wraith Squadron splits up and have only certain members infiltrate Zsinj's people. Under the name of Hawk-bats, Face leads Ton, Lara, Shalla, Wes, and a stuffed toy Ewok against Zsinj's fleet, but Ton dies. Ton leaves everything he owns to Face. The Hawk-bat's now include Face, Dia, Kell, and the Ewok toy. They attempt to join Zsinj, but Castin has stowed away and is found by Zsinj's men. Face pretends to not know him and Zsinj has him executed. Meanwhile, Myn Donos and Lara head to Aldivy so Lara can reunite with her "brother" and update Zsinj on Wraith Squadron, but a frantic call to Myn cuts that short as he strafes the place. Castin, meanwhile, stowed away with Face and gang who are now "working for" Zsinj. It's then revealed that ex-Imperial and former Rogue Squadron member Baron Soontir Fel is indeed working for Zsinj inhis old unit, 181st Imperial Fighter Wing/Group. Castin's caught, then brought before Zsinj, Melvar, Face and company. Dia, staying in character, kills Castin, though she notes to Face that Castin was already dead when two stormtroopers presented him to them. She goes insane and attempts to kill herself, but Kell and Face restrain her. Piecing together the data Zsinj gave Face and from what little Castin was able to obtain before his death, the Wraiths discover that Kuat Drive Yards, in orbit above Kuat, is Zsinj's next target, and the warlord is after a Super Star Destroyer. The Hawk-bats and Zsinj, with numerous others, attack KDY. The battle rages on and Shalla Nelprin is presumed dead, but is actually hiding and awaiting pick up after the battle. In the midst of the battle, Wedge, as Kettch, teams up with his brother in law (Fel) and the two of them fight alongside each other, and Wedge learns that Syal (his sister) is still alive, but Fel insists that the only other great human pilot is Luke and that Wedge can't hold a candle to either of them. After the fight, Face meets again with General Melvar, the Vibroaxe squadron leader, and others to receive payment. Zsinj, however, notices Mon Remonda and orders Iron Fist and Razor's Kiss to destroy the ship and Han Solo. But Rogue Squadron--led by Captain Tycho Celchu--and Wraith Squadron, with additional units, help defend the ship. Maneuvers by Solo's entire task force send Zsinj fleeing from the battle. Shalla--who was sabotaging Razor's Kiss--and Piggy are recovered, and Razor's Kiss is destroyed. As a result, Shalla is allowed to paint a half-SSD on her X-Wing in recognition that half of Razor's Kiss was her kill. Face reveals that after his surgery,he had his scars removed and looks younger than he used to.

All in all, a fast read that gets most of Allston's terrible writing done and over with. Though, yes, he did pass away recently, his writing was indeed found fondly by large members of the EU fans; though this still baffles me, as I can't see why anyone loves his writing. But he will be missed in the former triumvirate that was the Zahn-Stackpole-Allston saga. And now it's just Zahn left writing for Star Wars out of that lot. We will miss you and your terrible jokes, Allston. Yub Yub, Aaron.

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