Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Pronunciation is key when one reads your work or you read theirs. Sure, you can always pronounce it your own way, and the author may always pronounce it their way. Which is correct? Both.

The reason I'm bringing this up is because a friend asked me how I pronounce my characters names.

Rhys: I pronounce it REEss
Tamara Lamnar: Tuh-mar-uh Lam-narr
Jori: Jh-OAR-EE
Bylee: BUY-LEE
Rou'tre: ROW-TRuh
Tesqui-Wiit: TES-Kwee-White
Sarline'batra: SAR-LEAN-BAW-TRAW
Oph'la: OH-Fell-Ah
Walrot: WALL-ROT
Jeksonn Alhai: JECK-SON ALL-HIGH
Griff Wahl: GRIFF WALL
Khariss: K-ARR-iss
Latchton: LATCH-TON
Y'canthra: EE-can-thr-uh
T'ol: Tuh-OLL
Vhoz Lamnar: V-OSH Lam-nawr
Ascon Tirs: ASK-ON Tuhrz
Lexz: LEK-Ss
Y: why
Q: cue
Z'jara: Zshuh-JAR-uh
Riine Valonto: REEn Vuh-LOHN-toe
Av'ryl: Aahv-uh-rILL
Bartok: Barr-TOCK
Ivarrson: EE-vARE-suhn
Cinor: SIN-OAR
A'liin Mobar: Aah-LEEN MOE-barr
Henrik Reapre: HEN-rick RIPE-err

Monday, September 12, 2011

Getting in touch with your characters

I've been hard pressed to describe my characters accurately to my current critique group. So yesterday I decided to take one of my characters and do a short 1st person exploration with them. The result was unexpected. This character is really more hardened and resentful of the events in her world. For her, nothing ever goes right; in other words, it's a dystopia.

Some suggestions for getting in touch with your characters:
  • Try writing them in the 1st person or the 3rd person limited. This allows you to connect with your character, giving you insights into the character's mindset. 
  • Try writing a character exposition using only that character and no one else. Sometimes, it's what the internal dialogue says that tells all.
  • Do a Question and Answer type thing with you character where you ask them a question and in turn allow them to provide the answer. 
The Key to all of this is to let the character speak to you.  Remember, writing is both serious and fun. Don't be so serious about how your character should act. As the 11th Doctor (Matt Smith) says "Never knowingly be serious."